Wednesday, May 17, 2006

7. Investing in creative diversity

Ephemeral Arts as an expression of 'creative diversity'

The cultural environment is segmented into three categories to celebrate diversity as a driver for the Ephemeral Arts:

  • The collective and civic forms of culture includes heritage, museums, cinema, concerts, performing and visual arts. These activities have implications for collective cultural celebration affecting regeneration and social policy. Ephemeral arts may be used to programme major festivals and attract community initiatives
  • The individual cultural activities are defined as artists-led work, practical workshops and use of television, video and multimedia to extend the audiences for ephemeral arts
  • Educational activities provide creative expression for the ephemeral arts. these activities are used selectively for learning, teaching, and research. School based Festivals also offer scope for integration into the national curriculum.
  • The scope and significance of Ephemeral Arts for audience development. How are the ephemeral arts defined and presented for linking them to annual fairs, events in the cultural calendar and school programmes.
  • How the arts differ depending on definitions and their operations
  • How audiences can participate.
  • How to create new audiences for more challenging work.